Coromandel’s Collaborative Magazine

Featured Artist Issue 27 – Wendy Walls

Wendy is a professional mixed media artist with local and international clientele.

Her genre is Mixed Media and she paints landscapes, still life, flora and fauna and is not shy of trying new subjects and resources.

A qualified teacher, Wendy has conducted art workshops throughout the North Island, in her art school in Auckland and later in her studio classroom in Whitianga.

“It was a ‘Eureka’ moment when I read Mary Todd Beam’s mixed media book, Celebrate Your Creative Self. The book, a Xmas present given to me by my late mother (an accomplished artist) inspired me to take my creative energy in a new direction and I set out to attend Mary’s workshop in the North Carolina mountains, USA. The experience was enlightening; travelling from New Zealand to Springmaid Mountain was a journey in its own right, and I soon discovered my previous knowledge of design methodology and materials had been rather limited.”

Subsequent workshops in the USA further enhanced her techniques. Wendy was trained by Patty Brady of GOLDEN Paints and utilises these art techniques every day. Other workshops attended were conducted by Carrie Burns, Robert Burridge, Mary Braukman, Pat Dews and Katherine Chang Liu. Wendy recommends their books and online presentations.

Pablo Picasso said, “All children are artists. The problem is to remain an artist when we grow up.”

And this is so true. Too many people put off things that bring them joy just because they haven’t thought about it, don’t have it on their schedule, didn’t know what was coming or are too rigid to depart from their routine.


  • I have to be logical and practical
  • I have to follow the rules
  • I can’t make mistakes
  • I can’t do anything that is not in my area
  • I can’t do anything that makes me look foolish
  • I have to do what everyone else is doing

“Sport took all my free time when I was young and leaving my job as a Physical Education teacher to have a family enabled me to embrace a new hobby and a career from home. Creativity should be as important as literacy and we should treat it with the same status.

“My art gives me great intrinsic pleasure and equally rewarding is the satisfaction from encouraging others to discover this amazing art journey themselves.”

Vincent van Gogh said, “If you hear a voice within you say, ‘you cannot paint’, then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”

Coromind: Coromandel’s Collaborative Magazine

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