Coromandel’s Collaborative Magazine

Chops Gardening Tips – The Art of Watering Your Plants

It can be a bit tricky to determine the right amount of water your plants need, but with some observation and attention, you can keep your plants happy and healthy. Here are some tips on how to water your plants properly.

Check the soil moisture level

One of the best ways to determine whether your plant needs water is to check the soil moisture level. Stick your finger an inch or two into the soil to feel if it’s dry or moist. If it’s dry, it’s time to water your plant. If it’s still moist, wait a day or two before checking again. Overwatering can cause waterlogged soil, which can lead to root rot and other plant problems.

Look for signs of water stress

Plants that are not getting enough water may show signs of water stress. If you notice your plant wilting or dropping leaves, check the soil moisture level and water your plant as needed.

Yellowing leaves or mould

Overwatering can also cause yellowing leaves or mould to grow on the soil surface or around the base of your plant. If you notice either of these signs, reduce your watering frequency and allow the soil to dry out before watering again.

Water consistently

Consistency is key when it comes to watering your plants. Different plants have different watering needs, but in general, most plants prefer consistent watering – the same amount and frequency each time. Irregular watering can cause stress to your plant and make it more susceptible to pests and diseases.

Water the soil, not the leaves

When watering your plants, it’s best to water the soil directly around the roots rather than the leaves or flowers. This allows the roots to absorb the water and nutrients they need to grow properly. Watering the leaves or flowers can cause water droplets to sit on the surface, leading to fungal or bacterial growth.

Watering your plants properly requires some observation and attention, but it’s not difficult! With these tips, you can keep your plants happy and healthy for years to come. And remember, here at Chops, we can help you with a wide range of hard and soft landscaping services. Get in touch if you are after the installation of irrigation systems, and we will guarantee you get the best bang for your buck.

Check out Chops Landscaping Design and Maintenance here.