Coromandel’s Collaborative Magazine

Breaking Barriers – Fredrick Pokai’s Journey from art to Film

Fredrick Pokai's journey from art to film - Coromandel Magazine issue 11 advertise

Fredrick Pokai’s journey from art to film

 The pursuit of a dream. How many of us are doing what we really want to do? Are you at work thinking about the things you’d rather be doing? How many of us are willing to do what it takes to make our dreams come true? Now imagine telling your friends and whānau about what you wanted to do. Did you feel like there was a whiff of doubt from them? Did it make you doubt yourself? Welcome to my world!

Kia ora, my name is Fredrick Pokai, a former resident of the beautiful seaside town of Whitianga 2009-2010. Here’s a bit about myself and what I do.

Growing up, I wanted to be an artist, a professional wrestler, musician, writer, actor and director. Dare I say it, I have had the privilege of doing all of the above. I grew up in Gisborne (Te Tai Rawhiti). I was that kid with a head full of dreams. I was always the odd one out amongst my peers. School was a nightmare for me. I found it hard to learn and focus in the classroom. There were so many sides to me. On one hand I was a jock, on the other I was a nerd, an artist – it was a strange balancing act. 

Maori Wrestler - Fredrick Pokai

My creative journey began with art. I would draw all the damn time. In my schoolbooks, textbooks, mum’s bible even … and I’m not proud of that; if there was something to draw with, that was me. In my teenage years, I really engaged in it and exhibited in Gisborne, Hastings and Wellington. But, as time went on, I slowly switched over to digital art and graphic design.

After my art journey and before I really engaged in the film industry, I took up a childhood passion of mine which was professional wrestling/sports entertainment. I went under the alias of FTG (Fredrick The Great). I started training in early 2010 for NZWPW. I returned in 2019, on and off until 2021.

My first time on camera came when a film needed some zombie extras. Yes, my first starring role was a zombie. From there I worked as an extra on a few more films before I felt like I was ready for something a bit more leading. Since 2011, I have been fortunate enough to star in commercials, short films, feature films and voice over.

Fredrick Pokai Coromandel Magazine Maori Actor

I have worked on over 40 films both in front of and behind the camera. But my most noticeable works would be MPI (Ministry for Primary Industries), The Haka short film, Wendy’s, Pork Pie and Krampus.

In 2022, I got to write and direct my 10-year passion project to life, ‘Search for Hawaiki’, which dealt with one’s journey on the long road to recovery. A month later I wrote and starred in another one called ‘Bringing Mere Home’, which was about drunk driving in the 80s when it was socially acceptable. The film saw me win the 2023 best visionary actor award at the vision feat film festival and this year we recently wrapped production on a film called ‘Dive’ which dealt with a parent pressuring their child to succeed. Now my team and I are working towards a feature film for next year.

Fredrick Pokai Actor

The creative industry is tough, and it can really bring you down if you’re not prepared for it. I’ve had my fair share of feast and famine moments. As creatives, we can get caught up in our own minds. The constant rejections, the naysayers, the haters. They are all out there and all you can do is keep moving forward. For me, the biggest thing that has helped, especially through the doubtful periods, has been getting in shape, looking after myself, meditation and enjoying nature when I can, because for me the biggest inspiration is in nature.

Outside of film and the arts, I am a father, designer, gym goer, musician, history nerd, rugby and league fan. I hope to one day bring the skills that I have learned through my various experiences and teach them to others. 

Fredrick pokai Film festival winner

I want to end this by saying that there is no proper way of fulfilling your dreams but there are things you can do to make it happen and honestly all I can say is keep doing it, do it well and the right people will notice. 

Ngā mihi

words by Fredrick Pokai

Check out Fredrick Pokais work here.

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