Proud to be Local – Jacob Skeen – Brought to you by CFM

What are your family links with Mercury Bay?

I grew up in Whitianga and Matarangi from the time I was born until I was 15 years old. My Dad, Mike, is still living in Whitianga. You can probably find him at the rugby club or at Smitty’s.

Where are you living now? Number of years?

I am now living in Tokyo, Japan, playing rugby for a professional team (Black Rams Tokyo), who compete in the Japan League One competition. I have been here for 6 years. I live here with my wife, Maddy, and daughter, Sage.

When were you living in Mercury Bay? Years at Mercury Bay Area School?

I was living there until 2008 and was at MBAS till Year 11. I then went to Hamilton Boys High School for my last couple of schooling years to pursue rugby. While I am very grateful I went to Hamilton Boys, I would have loved to have completed all my 13 years of schooling at MBAS, something that my older sister, Rachael, has over me.

What have you been doing since school?

My main focus since leaving school has been rugby. However, I’ve also completed a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management through Waikato University.

What would be the  achievement you are most proud of?

I feel I have achieved a lot on the rugby field; however, my greatest achievement would have to be becoming a father this year. My daughter is six months old, and while it’s been challenging at times, being a dad is the best job in the world. 

Have you been back to Whitianga recently? What were your impressions?

I haven’t for a number of years now. The last time was in 2020, when I returned for my cousin’s wedding in Matarangi. One thing that always blows me away is the continual growth and development of the town. I still remember many years ago when New World opened and how that was such a dramatic change for the community. Now we have a Countdown and Warehouse too!

What were your fondest memories of Mercury Bay?
I really enjoyed playing junior rugby for Mercury Bay. I have very fond memories of walking to the rugby club after school to train on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, then getting to play with my mates on a Saturday.

I also have many memories associated with my Mum, Vicky, who passed away in 2007. Whitianga and Matarangi will always be a special place for this reason. 

Who were some of your friends  in those early years?

My closest friends growing up were Todd Rose, Regan Crosland, Adam Mardell, Jay Johnson, Jake Saward, Cory Cole, Eden McLean, and there are still many more I could list. That’s one of the best things about coming from a tight-knit community – it’s hard to just name two or three close friends. I haven’t seen some of those boys in years, but whenever I do we always reminisce about our days in The Bay.

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