Hi!! My name is Pia Rogers, I’m a surfer from Whangamatā. This trick is called a backhand snap, mostly performed by intermediate surfers as it is an easy trick to perform and learn. It is usually done on the face of a wave or in the pocket of a breaking wave. To do the trick you have to bend your legs, stay compressed and eye up the section of the wave you want to turn. Once you do your bottom turn and you reach the top of the wave you reach your front arm up towards the sky then quickly bring it back down to touch the front of your surfboard. When you flick your front arm down you push your back leg to make the surfboard swing around to complete the turn.
What inspired me to start surfing would have been a love for the ocean and coming from a family where we all surfed. My brothers and I spent a majority of our time at the beach from a young age and we all enjoy surfing. Surfing for me is what I look forward to. Being able to share what you love with your family and friends is super special. Surfing is a competitive sport that gives me something to work on, and gives me goals to strive towards, which I feel is so important.
Words by Pia Rogers