Learn more about Paul Cornwell: Artist, Creative, Illustrator and Designer
In 2019, I moved from Tauranga to Coromandel Town with my wife and youngest daughter for a bit of a ‘gap year’ – a new adventure, if you will.
Once here, Coromandel had its way with us, and we decided to permanently call this place home.

From early childhood, it was clear I was wired for art, and in my teenage years, I immersed myself in painting. In the mid-80s, whilst in high school, Michael Smither was my artist hero; at home, I painted birds and wanted to be the next Raymond Ching. Then for various reasons my artwork was mostly put on hold as I pursued Graphic Design and for 30 years I’ve enjoyed my career in the industry, the last 15 being self-employed.
But graphic design didn’t scratch my arty itch (and I was getting itchy). Perhaps it was a midlife thing or having more disposable time; whatever the reason, I wanted to paint again. The move to Coromandel certainly kick-started things as I tapped into a community of makers and doers.

I decided to draw every day – a coffee and a sketch at my local cafe was a cracking way to start the day. This has probably been the biggest ‘game changer’ in my art practice. It’s not so much the drawing, it’s the looking. Regularly training my eye to see – to REALLY see and observe my surroundings. The flow-on effect seemed to improve my painting.
Coromandel offers no shortage of wonderful, intriguing people that fuel my interest. For a number of years I had a studio space at Driving Creek Railway. I become slightly bewitched by the magic of the place – the history, the kilns, its natural setting, and the potters that frequent that place are reflected in much of my work.

I’m aware my paintings are quite eclectic and varied but I actually enjoy mixing it up and painting in a style that complements my purposes for each piece. Some are painted with more detail and realism, others lend themselves to being looser and more stylised. My approach in recent years has been challenged by this quote: ‘Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties’. I often battle with the fear of a painting not ending up as good as I think it should and this can cause a degree of artistic paralysis. I’d rather not try than risk failing.

In response to this, I’ve recently been enjoying stronger expressive brushwork while still trying to capture a degree of realism. It’s a far less prescribed process and I find it both engaging and challenging. There’s a greater degree of uncertainty as I don’t always know what I will end up with, but there’s also greater scope for something awesome happening on the canvas. Big brushes, thin paint to start, the subject emerges from the brushwork. There’s a push and pull of shifting edges, tones, colour values. Paint builds up as the critical areas come to life. Sometimes it’s overworked and lost, other times there are lovely surprises and victories.

If I’ve learnt anything over the last few years, it is to paint first and foremost for yourself and if possible use your art for good and to enrich the lives of others. If you’re in town, feel free to pop into my studio and see what’s happening on the canvases. I’m operating out of CR Exhibit Space, 24 Wharf Road, Coromandel Town.
And you can check out any latest work and other arty happenings on Instagram

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