Hi, my name is Caleb Mahoney, I am 12 years old. I am in year 7 at Mercury Bay Area School and I have lived in Whitianga for six years. I started to play golf when I was nine years old. That was in 2020. I enjoy playing golf because I get to spend time with my grandparents. My grandad has taught me to play.
On Tuesdays, I go down to the Whitianga golf course and train with my friends and with Matua Nico; on Wednesday, I go across on the ferry to Cooks Beach to the Purangi Golf Club with my grandad and play nine holes. He just got me a membership at the Purangi golf course for my birthday.
To play golf you need a golf ball, some golf clubs(putter, wedge, seven iron, and a driver), and some money to pay the green fees. The main objective is to hit the golf ball into the hole marked by a flag out on the green. If you don’t see the flag, just follow the short grass – and don’t miss the ball. There are nine to 18 holes in a golf course. There are three golf courses in Mercury Bay: Whitianga Golf Course, Purangi Country Club, and Matarangi Golf Club. There is also the Mini Putt, which is a fun way to practise.
I also play other sports and really like football (soccer), cricket and athletics. I just finished football this season. I play striker or midfield and scored 20 goals. In summer I play cricket, and in January some of my cricket team is going to play in the Hawke’s Bay Riverbend Cricket tournament. In summer I also do athletics. My favourite things to do in athletics are the high jump, long jump, and track (one hundred metres, two hundred metres, and four hundred metres).
Words by Caleb Mahoney
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