A simple practice that can change everything
Hi everyone, I hope this issue finds you well.
If you haven’t noticed by now, my ‘modus operandi’ is optimal health. And optimal health doesn’t just cover physical health; it’s the food you’re eating, the people you are spending time with, the media you are consuming, the business or job you are giving your time to – each of these impacts your overall optimal health.

And this is a continuous journey – sometimes it all seems to be ticking along smoothly and other times we are thriving in a couple of areas, and not so much in others. Life is fluid and the choices we make change; I’ve found it can be helpful to check in regularly to see if we are en route to a life we like, or if there is a slight pivot or course correction that needs to be made.
“Life is fluid and the choices we make change…”
My favourite and most simple way to do this is through journalling. Some people run when they think about the aspect of putting pen to paper; however, I’ve found with clients that journalling allows some of the biggest aha moments, as it’s really hard to hide on paper. This is a small practice that can be done monthly or bi monthly and really allows you to make the most of your time, focusing on the things that are most important.
Personally I like to do this practice at each new moon, allowing myself to reflect on the month that has been, what I set out to achieve, what I actually achieved and where I want to keep heading. It allows you to have a mini check in and evaluation of life and where you’re at.

If you want to start a new practice and commit to this monthly, it’s a good idea to get a designated journal or 1b5, so that it’s easy to reflect on the previous months.
- What am I currently loving in my life? List all the things that are a full vibe for you here.
- What am I currently not loving so much right now in my life? List all the things here that really aren’t lighting a smile in you.
- This previous month I am grateful for (or insert timeframe here)? List everything you are thankful for that happened in the last month.
- What am I leaving behind from the month that was? List all the things that you didn’t love, or wished were different or you feel like are holding you back.
- What am I calling in for the month ahead? What would you like to bring into the next month? These can be achievements or goals you are focusing on, or specific manifestations or even different energies or ways of being in the world.
- I am in the process of …? Then list the things you are in the process of doing or embodying.
These six simple questions allow you to take pause and just be honest with yourself about where things are for you in life right now. You don’t have to immediately change things, but if you notice it’s the third month you’ve put your job in the ‘what am I currently not loving so much right now in my life’ category, then maybe it’s time to start looking for a new one.
“Be honest with yourself about where things are for you in life right now.”
It also allows you to see on paper what you are absolutely loving and think of other experiences and opportunities you want to be a part of.
Another way I really like to use this practice is when my mind is absolutely swirling. I may have had a fight with someone, I may be annoyed at the way I was treated, I may just be feeling frustrated and ruminating on things that aren’t serving me – and journalling works a treat. I get all of my thoughts, anger and pain onto paper being as aggressive and nasty as I like – and when I’m done, I burn* the paper. It always feels like a huge weight has been lifted.
*If you do this – please remember to burn your paper responsibly.
And that’s it for me. I hope this practice is as helpful to you as it is to me and my clients.
I’d love to hear about your experiences. Let me know. You can find me over on Instagram
Words by Kaitlyn Gooch

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