Coromandel’s Collaborative Magazine

Energising Souls – A Journey into Conscious Energy Healing

Namaste; the soul in me greets the soul in you.

My name is Verna Carr, I live in Whitianga, and I am a Conscious Energy Healer, Tarot Card Reader, Author of Metamorphosis Wisdom for a Changing Consciousness, Workshop Facilitator and mentor for people wanting to explore their own spirituality.

What is Conscious Energy Healing and how does this work?

Consciousnessis simply awareness of oneself and our existence. Higher Consciousness goes well beyond the human physical body into other dimensions and realms of reality.We are energy. We are all connected to Source. Energy is our life force. Each person has their own unique life experience, so their personal energy field is a combination of their thoughts, feelings, emotions, intentions and actions. We also have energy centres in our bodies.

When you feel happy, in gratitude, laughing, compassionate, and forgiving of others, energy flows freely through your body, creating health and wellbeing. You feel energised, life goes well for you because you are living in a higher vibration of consciousness.

When you feel constantly stressed, with emotions dominated by sadness, grief, fear, anger, judgement, guilt, and shame, then you feel stuck in life, and your energy (life force) gets blocked, causing pain in your body, and your health and well-being decline. Ponder these two words: distress is caused by stress, and disease is not at ease.

We separate disease from ourselves, we separate our body parts from our emotions, and we even separate our organs from each other, as if they were not working together in the same body. Humans are not a collection of body parts, but whole beings with both physical and non-physical aspects. 

Conscious Energy Healing works on the premise that we are soul, mind, and body working together in unison.

When these are in balance and harmony, the physical body is healthy and vibrant and doesn’t usually get sick.

How we internalise our stress creates pathways and weak areas in the body. For example, a boss goes into an office and yells at their employees. One person gets a headache because she feels that no one ever listens to her. Another gets a stomach ache because they are triggered by memories of their father and how he used to bully and yell at his kids; someone else gets back pain because they don’t feel safe and emotionally supported; and another person develops long-term allergies because they don’t like working in a toxic environment.

Energy Healing Facilitator. I call myself a facilitator of healing because no one can heal for another. It must be an inside job of self-realisation. Every healing session is unique. I will sit and chat with my client to find out what is going on in their life. Both their verbal language and their body language will tell me. We talk about their physical symptoms and what is aggravating them. When did it start? And what is the emotional journey around that?

I then do energy work on them. Everyone leaves their healing session feeling amazing because we have released stuck energy, mistaken beliefs, and the wound that person is carrying. This promotes healing. Energy healing works with intention and alignment with your higher self. You may not understand on the physical level what happens, but on the deep spiritual, energetic and quantum levels, much is accomplished. 

I see visuals, colours, shapes, forms and images, and I hear messages. I feel stuck energy as dense and sticky; where there is no resistance, their energy feels free-flowing and bubbly. Every Healing is different, and I am guided as to where I put my hands and what to do.

I am now offering to teach this healing modality to others in the format of a weekend workshop. In the workshop, you will be given step-by-step instructions to learn basic hands-on healing techniques. By co-creating with the other participants on the course, you can experience first-hand the different roles of the facilitator of energy healing, the receiver, and the observer. You will receive a healing manual as well as a bonus gift of my book Metamorphosis: Wisdom for a Changing Consciousness.

I live in Whitianga, 100 metres from the beach and within easy walking distance of the ferry, cafes and accommodation. Treat yourself to a weekend away; it could be life-changing for you. If you want more information and/or are interested in attending a Conscious Energy Healing weekend workshop and/or booking a personal healing with me, I invite you to contact me.

Verna’s website.

Ph. 027 320 0079 / E-mail:

P.S. If you would like to know more about spirituality, then download my free 96-page e-book, no strings attached, here

Words by Verna Carr

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