Coromandel’s Collaborative Magazine

Coromandel too precious to mine

Art by Emma Evangeline

Coromandel residents have been standing up and protecting the Coromandel from mining for over 40 years.

In this day and age, people are misled about mining, thinking that there are rules now that make mining non-toxic and sustainable and that it’s for the welfare of the people with jobs, etc.

These are myths and brainwashing tactics used by big corporations, including the new government.

We invite you to come along to a meeting to get the facts and join together as a community for the good of our home, where we protect our precious whenua and waters.

It’s going to be an informational evening regarding new permits in the areas between Whitianga and Tairua and what you need to know.

Wed 24th July

It’s an opportunity to learn what we can do to protect the Coromandel Peninsula from mining companies.

Coromind: Coromandel’s Collaborative Magazine

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