Photography by Lauren Parkinson
My name is Lauren Parkinson, I live in the heavenly lands of Thames Coromandel Peninsula. I love nature photography; through my soul work, I am always enlightened by the very special energies around me that forever bring me wisdom and strength and allow paths for my creativity to flow. I get lost in time and my spirit flickers with passion and love as I shoot away, not to mention the magical destinations I discover and am called to. I hope and pray my work brings others healing and beauty as I like to share the wisdom I think and feel with my photos. Never give up on something that has all the cells in your body firing; perseverance and belief in yourself forever conquers!


9 Weeks
In nine weeks I camped in France, Spain, Italy, Greece and the Netherlands.
I’ve eaten traditional food in 14 countries.
In nine weeks, I’ve seen the sunrise in Venice and the sunset in Ljubljana.
For nine whole weeks, I lived off only what I could carry on my back.
I woke up in 15 countries and in 30 different towns and cities (give or take).
In just 0.89% of my current lived experience, I have experienced more than most people get to
in their entire life.
I have never been more grateful for this short span of time in my life, and I wish everyone had
at least nine weeks to see the world.
By Petra Campbell
For the last nine weeks, I have been interrailing/backpacking around Europe. When I was
asked to write about it I had just come to the end of it, and as I sat on the train back to
London this was all that was going through my mind.
Sairee Johnston
My name is Sairee Johnston and l am ten years old. l have always loved arts and crafts. ln the last few years, l have connected to horses and l love to draw them. I have always cared deeply for animals, but l found wolves and tigers too hard to draw. I love all animals and that’s why l became vegetarian.

At five l found it hard to quit – meat was a main source in my diet. The day l became vegetarian, l went to a pig farm. (Not a commercial pig farm, the man who owned it loved the pigs.) And a four-day-old piglet which had been rejected by its mother fell asleep on me, leaving little prints on my shirt. As l got back into the car, l said to my dad,

“l’m never going to eat meat again.” And l probably never will.
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