Eli Thomas Tahatika ‘ET’ – Artwork
Eli Thomas Tahatika ‘ET’ is an energetic five-year-old who loves joining his father, the artist JT Tahatika, in any art that he might be doing at home. Eli’s current mission is to draw the Mr Men art (My Mr Men – Complete Libraryby Roger Hargreaves), as his father reads the stories to him every night. They are at #11 (Mr Uppity) of the #47 characters.
Eli also collaborated with his father painting one of Coromind’s magazine stands, which is located at 62 Albert St in Whitianga.
Love With Love
Papatūānuku, Mother Earth…
She sings to us hymns of love and rebirth
When I return to Te Wao Nui a Tāne
I listen…
Messages in the form of love letters relay that
Kindness speaks love
Compassion feeds love
Essence is love
So, I must love
With love…
As birds sing and fly in harmony with the winds of change
They remind me that
Although I am
wild and free
I am serenity
I may be misunderstood
However, the ambiguity does not belong to me
Words by Waimā De Souza
The sad limitations of love
In the natural world, the tides ebb and flow
the moon waxes and wanes
the seasons cycle through their ordained paths
such that even the onset of winter harbours the promise of spring.
But there are no such certainties in love
which may launch with a blaze, a splendour
yet later ebb-slide into detachment, occasional touch
a fleeting brush of lips…
a slow guttering of the flame
an infinitesimal slippage into friendship, indifference … rejection.
Aah, then the pain bites, searing deeper than ever the joy flared.
The slow cruel fade
unrequited feelings eviscerating
tinged with bitterness and regret …
Leaving me drowning in the sad limitations of love.
Words by Helen Oliver
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