Coromandel’s Collaborative Magazine

Category: Ross Ramblings

Ross’ Ramblings – Early memories

I remember when I was three, having a bath with my mother, and when I was four, leading my sleepwalking sister back to bed before she woke up and freaked out. And I remember wars with the kids down the road in which we threw stones at each other. Once, I even hid in our garage and thrust a metal bar through the spokes of an enemy kid’s bike as he roared down the hill outside our house. I had to run like crazy and lock the door to escape the wrath of his elder brother, who chased me up the path. 

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ross liggins - Ross Ramblings - Fishing for the Soul

Ross’ Ramblings – Fishing for the Soul

I have a photo of myself as a 3-year-old standing beside a dozen large rainbow trout, which of course couldn’t have been caught by one so young, but it was the beginning of my conditioning to become a future catcher of our finny friends

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Ross’ Ramblings – Early memories

I remember when I was three, having a bath with my mother, and when I was four, leading my sleepwalking sister back to bed before she woke up and freaked out. And I remember wars with the kids down the road in which we threw stones at each other. Once, I even hid in our garage and thrust a metal bar through the spokes of an enemy kid’s bike as he roared down the hill outside our house. I had to run like crazy and lock the door to escape the wrath of his elder brother, who chased me up the path. 

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ross liggins - Ross Ramblings - Fishing for the Soul

Ross’ Ramblings – Fishing for the Soul

I have a photo of myself as a 3-year-old standing beside a dozen large rainbow trout, which of course couldn’t have been caught by one so young, but it was the beginning of my conditioning to become a future catcher of our finny friends

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