Coromandel’s Collaborative Magazine

Category: Lifestyle

Where are all the EGGS?

So, I’ve a theory on where all the eggs are. The guilt felt by farmers because of the cages was massive. So the area that the chickens have now is vast! They can’t find the hens to retrieve the eggs. It’s a real egg hunt.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Free range, innit?!

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So … How’s That Airbnb Going?

So, let’s unpack these perspectives a little. In terms of providing short-term accommodation, Mercury Bay has a wide range of motels catering for quite up-market tastes through to holiday camps and cheaper family-friendly options. Very seldom are these filled to capacity (with the occasional exception of specific events such as the Summer Concert). Taking this view, Airbnb takes business away from established businesses in the area, rather than filling a need in the accommodation market. 

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 From Coro With Love February 2023

Growing up in Whitianga, I would have never thought I’d be doing what I am now. Not necessarily because I didn’t think I was good enough (at times, yes), but just because the world felt very far away. Taking that leap when I was 18 fresh out of high-school was my ticket out. Not out of a bad situation but out of the little coastal beach town that has its own ecosystem and into the theme park of the world.

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Where are all the EGGS?

So, I’ve a theory on where all the eggs are. The guilt felt by farmers because of the cages was massive. So the area that the chickens have now is vast! They can’t find the hens to retrieve the eggs. It’s a real egg hunt.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Free range, innit?!

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So … How’s That Airbnb Going?

So, let’s unpack these perspectives a little. In terms of providing short-term accommodation, Mercury Bay has a wide range of motels catering for quite up-market tastes through to holiday camps and cheaper family-friendly options. Very seldom are these filled to capacity (with the occasional exception of specific events such as the Summer Concert). Taking this view, Airbnb takes business away from established businesses in the area, rather than filling a need in the accommodation market. 

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 From Coro With Love February 2023

Growing up in Whitianga, I would have never thought I’d be doing what I am now. Not necessarily because I didn’t think I was good enough (at times, yes), but just because the world felt very far away. Taking that leap when I was 18 fresh out of high-school was my ticket out. Not out of a bad situation but out of the little coastal beach town that has its own ecosystem and into the theme park of the world.

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