Category: Business

Do & Be Your Best – The Journey to Success and Well-Being 

We all have potential; it is human nature. We were designed to survive, thrive and evolve. But, nowadays, many of us get stuck in a mindset of ‘stuckness’. How do we move away from it?

Coromind has had the pleasure of featuring potential developer Dave Burton since our first issue. Dave is a personal and executive coach and mentor who supports leadership and organisational development. He understands where you or your company are and provides insight on where to go next or what obstacles might hinder your success.

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Do & Be Your Best – Staying Present

How much of your thinking is about the past? Where you were, how good things were, or how bad they were … Most of us do this at some time or other. We remember. And rightly so. Our sense of self is partly defined by what we’ve experienced and how we felt about it. The challenge comes when we get locked into those thoughts and feelings; we don’t just remember what happened, we relive it! We feel those same feelings we felt one, five or 50 years ago. And that takes energy. It also distracts us from what’s happening ‘Right Now’. We act as if what did happen is still happening.

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Do & Be Your Best – The Journey to Success and Well-Being 

We all have potential; it is human nature. We were designed to survive, thrive and evolve. But, nowadays, many of us get stuck in a mindset of ‘stuckness’. How do we move away from it?

Coromind has had the pleasure of featuring potential developer Dave Burton since our first issue. Dave is a personal and executive coach and mentor who supports leadership and organisational development. He understands where you or your company are and provides insight on where to go next or what obstacles might hinder your success.

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Do & Be Your Best – Staying Present

How much of your thinking is about the past? Where you were, how good things were, or how bad they were … Most of us do this at some time or other. We remember. And rightly so. Our sense of self is partly defined by what we’ve experienced and how we felt about it. The challenge comes when we get locked into those thoughts and feelings; we don’t just remember what happened, we relive it! We feel those same feelings we felt one, five or 50 years ago. And that takes energy. It also distracts us from what’s happening ‘Right Now’. We act as if what did happen is still happening.

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