Coromandel’s Collaborative Magazine

Altbays Moments Week #71

Welcome to the very best bits of week 71 of the fantastic Altbays show. Two great guest have once again visited us at the studio for more great kōrero. First up was QUACK PIRIHI. Quack is a Youth and Community Worker, Māori Activist and Takatāpui (Māori term used similarly to LGBTQI+) Quack works across various kaupapa (principles) designed to improve rangatahi Māori me whānau Māori outcomes. From governance spaces to community roles and advisory groups – much of Quack’s mahi is focused on opening doors for mokopuna to stand in their tino rangatiratanga (sovereignty), advocating for themselves, their whānau, hapū, and iwi. Very prolific in their mission, Quack founded Mana Āniwaniwa, a kaupapa Supporting the Takatāpui and Queer liberation movement in Aotearoa, alongside whānau. Quack also works as an advisor at the Make It 16 Campaign, which seeks to lower the voting age in Aotearoa NZ; Executive Board Member and Secretary at the Auckland Pride, Volunteer for Inside Out Koaro: a national charity providing resources, information, workshops, consulting and support for anything concerning rainbow or LGBTQIA+ issues and education, and also an active artist and content creator. Next up had the pleasure of talking to KAREN MOFFATT-MCLEOD With a background in photography that began in high school in Wellington, Karen loves what she does, recently having five acceptances in the IAAP World Cup (International Association of Art Photographers) and seven acceptances in the Irish Emerald Salon, one of those being a Bronze Medal for the stunning ‘Matariki Wahine’. Beyond her photography work, Karen keeps busy with contracts for Creative Coromandel and Diving New Zealand, where she provides board support and marketing/communications expertise. She has also been deeply involved in sports, competing in multi-sport events focusing on kayaking and later transitioning to competitive archery. As a former board member of Archery NZ, she managed teams for international competitions and organized tournaments in Whitianga. While not an experienced diver, Karen has always enjoyed watching the sport, particularly high diving, through the Red Bull Cliff Diving Series, which is set to come to New Zealand in 2023. Additionally, she indulges in her love for fishing, spending weekends on the water. Karen served on the Photographic Society of NZ Council for two years, organizing photography workshops nationwide. She is currently working on several photographic projects, including a Mother & Daughter project, a Grief project, and a photography competition exclusively for the youth of the Coromandel.