Every morning offers us a beautiful opportunity: the chance to start anew in our relationships.
But this renewal is only possible if we actively prevent the buildup of what I call ‘relationship gunge’ – those unspoken thoughts, unexpressed feelings, and silent resentments that gradually corrode the connections we cherish most. Like plaque in arteries or dust in a rarely cleaned room, this emotional gunge can silently undermine even the strongest bonds.
Relationships are living, breathing entities that require constant attention and care. They are not static achievements but dynamic journeys of connection, understanding, and growth. The most resilient relationships are not those without conflicts, but those where both parties are committed to honest communication, mutual respect, and the willingness to clear away emotional debris before it becomes toxic.

Understanding Relationship Gunge
Gunge accumulates in subtle ways. It’s the joke you didn’t call out that made you uncomfortable. The slight you didn’t address. The expectation you never communicated. The disappointment you swallowed instead of discussing. These small, unaddressed moments might seem insignificant individually, but they compound over time, creating invisible barriers between people.
Imagine a relationship like a pristine glass window. Each unsaid truth, each buried emotion is like a tiny smudge. Initially, you can still see through the glass clearly. But as these smudges accumulate – the gunge of unspoken feelings – the view becomes progressively clouded. Connections blur, understanding diminishes, and what was once crystal clear becomes increasingly opaque.
The Glass Clearing Practice: A Powerful Relationship Ritual
Imagine having a transformative tool that can instantly clear away the emotional gunge in your relationship. This is the Glass Clearing Practice – a simple yet profoundly powerful exercise that has the potential to revolutionise how you connect with your partner.
The practice is elegantly straightforward: create a dedicated space where both partners can express any feelings, thoughts or concerns that might be blocking your connection. Think of it like cleaning a foggy window, wiping away every smudge of unexpressed emotion. Nothing is too small or too big to discuss.
How to ‘Clear the Glass’
1. Create a safe space
Choose a time when both partners are calm and have uninterrupted time together.
2. Take turns speaking
Each partner gets an uninterrupted opportunity to share. This isn’t a debate or a problem-solving session, but a moment of pure, honest expression.
3. What to share
Everything is welcome. This could include:
– minor irritations (like socks left on the floor)
– emotional experiences (feeling ignored at a social event)
– vulnerable moments (feeling jealous about an interaction)
– deeper fears and disappointments
4. Listening rules
The listening partner must:
– remain completely silent
– listen without judgment
– offer full attention and presence
– resist the urge to defend or explain

Clean regularly – it’s easier that way!
The magic of this practice lies in its immediacy. The sooner you can have a glass clearing session after something comes up, the more effective it becomes. It’s particularly powerful when one partner seems ‘off’ or distant – offering a glass clearing session can gently invite them to share what’s really going on.
Why This Practice Works
Unexpressed feelings don’t disappear; they transform. They morph into resentments, frustrations and exasperation. Like dirt accumulating on a window, these unspoken emotions gradually obscure your view of each other. The Glass Clearing Practice prevents this buildup, ensuring your connection remains clear and intimate.
Cultivating Connection
This practice is more than just a communication technique. It’s a profound act of love and commitment. By creating a space where both partners can be fully seen and heard, you:
– deepen emotional intimacy
– prevent misunderstandings
– build trust
– reaffirm that you’re on the same team.
Practical Tips
– Remember you love each other.
– Breathe deeply.
– Listen with an open heart.
– Approach the session with curiosity, not defensiveness.
– Remember, do not take ANYTHING personally.
– Practice compassion – for yourself and your partner.

The Daily Renewal
The beautiful promise of relationships is that we can start fresh each day. This Glass Clearing Practice embodies that promise, offering a way to wipe away emotional gunge and reconnect authentically.
Every conversation is an opportunity to choose deeper understanding, to show up vulnerably, and to continually choose each other – smudges, fears, and all. It’s not about perfection, but about consistent, loving communication.
Remember, the most profound connections are built not on never having conflicts, but on the willingness to navigate those conflicts with love, honesty, and mutual respect.
If you want to know more, go to Confident Loving Man and look for the Couple Power button.
Aroha nui,
Lana & Matiu

Words by Lana Garland

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