Coromandel’s Collaborative Magazine

How 5 Minutes of Meditation a Day Can Transform Your Mind – Health Essentials with Kaitlyn Gooch

How 5 Minutes of Meditation a Day Can Transform Your Mind

Hello again, I hope this article finds you well! This month I want to dive into a topic that is a personal favourite – Meditation!

Now, before you skip past, I ask that you give me a chance, even if you’ve tried meditation before and it hasn’t worked for you.

Most people who don’t automatically love sitting in stillness and silence decide very quickly that meditation isn’t for them, and while my favourite type of meditation is that of stillness and silence, it’s not the only way.

Don’t think about a blue door.

Can’t help it, can you? As soon as something is not supposed to be on your mind, there it is.

Meditation is the same – you are told to sit down, close your eyes and clear your mind. Often as soon as you sit down with that intention, every thought shows up for you.

One of the biggest misconceptions around meditation is the idea that you should have no thoughts at all and if you can’t clear your mind completely, you’re not doing it right.

It takes a very committed and developed individual to meditate and have nothing come into their mind, even for small moments at a time.

The aim isn’t to have NO THOUGHTS, it’s to become aware of the thoughts that arise, or the internal story that you are getting caught up in, and to let it go, bringing your attention and focus back to your breath – with no judgements or preconceptions.

This exercise is repeated – noticing when your mind wanders, releasing the thoughts and bringing focus back to your breath. And that’s it – meditation.

However, this exercise doesn’t always have to be done sitting down in the lotus position. Or in silence. You can bring this practice into any part of your day. Going for a morning walk along the beach? Take your headphones out and become really aware of all the things happening around you. When your mind wanders, and it will, don’t get caught up in it, let it go, and bring your attention and focus back to what is happening around you. You can do this practice when you are doing anything, like gardening, running or even the dishes. Any of my surfing crew out here will know the feeling of catching a wave, and that is its own form of meditation. You can even google a guided meditation + the time you have available. Find what works for you and then aim to do it multiple times a week.

The best part – all the benefits that come from having a meditation process are science backed. Neuroscience research reveals that regular meditation practice can induce structural changes in the brain, strengthening neural pathways associated with attention, emotional regulation, and empathy. Moreover, meditation has been shown to regulate the body’s stress response, lowering cortisol levels and fostering a state of relaxation and inner peace.

Meditation doesn’t have to be for a long time; 20 mins per day is recommended so you can work towards that, but even five minutes a day is good to start with. The key to this practice is commitment and consistency, even if just for a few minutes each day, to allow yourself to form this new habit.

The process of meditation is not the only beneficial part of this practice; over time it naturally gravitates into your day-to-day life. You’ll notice you start to allow thoughts to come and go without giving meaning to them. You’ll find that you respond instead of react. You’ll notice the peaceful feeling that pulses through you when you are completely in the present moment.

We spend a lot of time working on our physical bodies – going to the gym, eating healthily, or getting massages when we have pain or tension in our backs. Think of this as fitness for your mind. The longer you are able to be present in your body and focus on your breath rather than your thoughts, the stronger your mind will become.

Reach out and tell me what changes you experience after adding meditation into your day; if you are already a meditation veteran, reach out and tell me your fave way to meditate! You can find me over on Instagram, check out my website or listen to my podcast on Spotify, ‘Curious & Curiouser with Kaitlyn Gooch’.

Here is a bonus DIY way to start meditating right now. 

Set a timer for 5 minutes.

(2 minutes if you’re really pressed for time and 10 minutes if you want a bit more of a challenge.)

Close your eyes

Bring your attention to your breath. Notice the length of your inhale and the length of your exhale.

Imagine the breath travelling through your lungs and all the way down to your belly, before exhaling and releasing all of the air out.

(Alternatively you can imagine inhaling golden light and exhaling any tension. Use the method that feels best for you).

Repeat this exercise until the timer goes off, doing your best to focus only on your breath. When your mind drifts to your work, to picking up the kids from school or what you will cook for dinner, gently let it go (knowing that you can think about that stuff after your meditation) and bring your focus back to your breath.

That’s it. Done! You just meditated.Take note of how you feel after meditating. 

And remember you can do this at any time during the day! Even if you only have 1 minute, spend that minute coming back to yourself and to your breath. Me? I set an alarm 25 minutes before I need to get up and meditate sitting up in bed. That way I have no excuse not to do it every day.

Try it for 5 mins a day for a whole week and let me know how you go!

You won’t regret it.

Words by Kaitlyn Gooch

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