Coromandel’s Collaborative Magazine

Health Essentials with Kaitlyn Gooch

Redesigning Your Daily Habits

Hello again, loves. I hope this second article finds you well. I promised in this article I would have some implementable actions + foundational starting ground.

If you are up for making the most out of these remaining five articles, I’m going to give you some homework to do each month – things I’d like you to ponder for your own life and maybe, dare I suggest it, make some positive changes that impact your life for the better.

This month is diving deeper into our habits. I would like you to start to think about how you spend your time.

Last month, we talked about habit stacking and average days, but I want you to think about how you spend each hour of your day.

Do you wake up, check your Instagram, laugh at some videos, have a quick coffee before shooting out the door to work? When you finish work, and let’s be honest, on your work breaks, is it straight back to your phone?

Do you have a significant other, kids? How much of your day-to-day life actually includes time with them? If you don’t, and really even if you do, how much of your day is doing things for you, that make your heart happy and light you up? How do you spend your time before bed?

I don’t think this needs to be about bashing social media or screen time, because they do have merit, and I think, if you are reading this, then you are fabulous and you already know that these things deserve respectful boundaries.

Unless you are truly happy to get to your death bed having lived a life going through the motions (which honestly could be tomorrow because we are not promised anything), then you do have to start making time for the things that are going to move the needle to where you want to go. 

If you are telling me you don’t have time for daily movement but your social media screen time is multiple hours, then maybe there is something you could switch around.

Or even make it fun: for every 20 burpees you get 5 mins’ social media time.

I’m really curious about what comes up for you when you read this. It’s very easy, especially living in a small coastal village, to zone out and just go through the motions.

Sometimes that’s an act of survival (I’ve been there) and sometimes the reality is we’ve been isolated for so long that we forget that there is a whole world out there and that it’s okay to want more for ourselves.

I’d like you to think about how you spend your day, down to the hour, and how that adds up over the week.* It’s neat to have screen time monitors on our smartphones these days, but I want you to also think about the time you spend eating, sleeping, on hygiene, whatever your day looks like. Just so you know. This information can be confronting.

*And also as a side note, we all go through seasons, e.g. If you are a new mum, your sleep schedule and time will likely be way different. 

The homework for this month is to really think about, and be honest with, how you spend your time. And then I’d like you to see if there are any new things you can start adding into your day that are more aligned with where you actually want to be going. You see, when we start thinking of things we need to stop or take away, it can be met with resistance. The relevant science says we feel deprived. But when we start to add new things into our days that we are excited about, we do start to have less time for some of the things we are currently doing and often that makes it easier to drop the social media scroll or stop engaging with every channel of news.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about this – if you were surprised when you got honest about how you do spend your time and what you have decided to add into your day to get the needle moving toward where you want to go.

You can find me over on Instagram or check out my podcast on spotify ‘Curious & Curiouser with Kaitlyn Gooch’. Send me a message and let me know your thoughts. 

I’m looking forward to next month’s article already, so be sure to tune in for your next task.

Words by Kaitlyn Gooch

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