Coromandel’s Collaborative Magazine

So Dope – The Hemp Oil Magic Skincare

hemp oil is its ability to be used as a skincare ingredient in such a diverse range of products and that it can help such a vast range of skin conditions

Transforming skin health and confidence

What I love about hemp oil is its ability to be used as a skincare ingredient in such a diverse range of products and that it can help such a vast range of skin conditions; it’s great for dry skin, but just as amazing on oily acne prone skin. Some of the most incredible messages we have received are from people who suffer from severe acne, who have spent hundreds of dollars and years trying different products – then have used our products for sometimes only a week and the results have been life-changing for them. That still leaves me speechless every time, especially when it’s younger women/teenagers who have spent years feeling self-conscious about their skin.

Hemp products in New Zealand
Severe acne solution in NZ
So dope Oil

People are becoming more aware of what is in their products, where they come from and what’s involved in making them; personally, as a consumer, the transparency in this industry is extremely important. People are becoming more conscious both in terms of their own well-being and also the environment, so it is our priority to be able to offer products that are good for both.

Hemp Oil from Coromandel - Hauraki New Zealand

Discover So Dope’s products at:

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