Coromandel’s Collaborative Magazine

Sixty Years of Serenity

The Story Behind Rapaura Watergardens

They say Coromandel is good for the soul and I reckon the lovely Rapaura Watergardens at Tapu are good for the soul and the heart. With 64 acres (about 26 hectares) of native bush, lush gardens and delightful waterfalls, it’s a welcoming haven for those needing rest or some space and time with nature. 

It is currently managed by Sacha Sank with assistance from his sister Serena. They tell me about it as we wander through the grounds, a pleasant surprise around every corner and always the tantalising sound of cascading water. Sixty years ago this area in Tapu Valley was scrub and farmland when Fritz and Josephine Loennig bought it. With hard work and vision they gradually transformed it, harnessing the waters of nearby Tapu River. The couple created a garden now recognised as a ‘Garden of National Significance’ by New Zealand Gardens Trust, the only one on the Coromandel Peninsula. Then Peter and Shirley Lowes took over and enjoyed the property before selling it in 1994, thanks to a chance encounter.

This is where Sally Sank joins the story. Born and raised in Christchurch, Sally moved to Hong Kong, where she married and raised two children, Serena and Sacha. This remarkable woman had no commercial experience but plenty of ambition and creativity. She set up her first shop ‘Hobby Horse’ and then expanded until she had ten. Her children describe her fondly as “our glamorous entrepreneur mother”. It was during a New Zealand holiday that Sally happened to pass Rapaura Watergardens.

“She was on a mission to hug a kauri tree along the Coroglen road,” smiles Sacha. “But as she passed Rapaura, she felt an urge to explore it and turned into the gate. Mother told me she got goosebumps as she entered the gardens.”

Excited with her discovery, Sally met the owners and promptly bought it. Then she put her passion and creativity into the property to make it something special.

In 2002, Sacha travelled from Hong Kong to New Zealand to help his mother run the watergardens. Soon afterwards, the Coromandel experienced a weather bomb that devastated the property with masses of debris and logs from Tapu River.

Rapaura closed for three months while the family tackled the massive clean-up and restoration.

Now that area features a stretch of grass near a majestic stand of kauri, rimu, totara and rewarewa – a perfect setting for wedding photographs.

Beyond the trees one can spot the bush-clad heights of Maumaupaki. 

When the business reopened in September 2002 it had a fresh look, including a large new reception/dining area. Sally died in 2023 and her family treasure the time they were together. 

Clever design

Around every path at Rapaura, there’s a brook bursting with the vitality of life and I’m told it all flows through gravity. What clever design. It is obvious that the property’s gardener, Ross, takes pride in his role.

You can spot native birds as well as native and exotic plants and quirky garden art amongst the greenery. There’s plenty of opportunities to sit a while and absorb the aromas of nature and those wandering at dusk may discover glow-worms. With a touch of humour, there’s a very high seat for ‘tall poppies’! That was Sally’s idea.

A lodge and a charming cottage offer comfortable accommodation, described in the visitors’ book as ‘absolute heaven’. Here Sally’s influence lingers in dynamic artwork. As well as day visitors, Rapaura welcomes groups, weddings and private functions. As the family makes plans to move on, this property is now looking for a new guardian; could you be the next owner of this precious land?

Check out Sotheby’s listing here

Words by Pamela Ferla

Coromind: Coromandel’s Collaborative Magazine

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