Coromandel’s Collaborative Magazine

Category: Ross Ramblings

Ross’ Ramblings: Ocean Creature Encounters – Part 1

My oldest memory of a significant shark encounter was at the Bay of Islands 60 odd years ago. My mum and I were swimming 50 metres off the beach. I was getting cold so I went in. Suddenly I saw a large fin and tail tip skimming the surface 20 metres from me and between my mum and the beach. As calmly as I could I called out, “Mum, you had better come in. There’s a shark

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Tricky Situations – Part One

The first tricky and somewhat sticky situation in my life, so I was told, was having a big head at birth. Apparently, my poor mother, who had me in a Catholic hospital run by nuns,

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Ross Ramblings Unexplainable Happenings

Unexplainable Happenings – Part 2

Ross Liggins is back with more anecdotes and insights My most memorable strange experience occurred in my early thirties. I had been attending parapsychology classes over the previous months, where

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Ross’ Ramblings: Ocean Creature Encounters – Part 1

My oldest memory of a significant shark encounter was at the Bay of Islands 60 odd years ago. My mum and I were swimming 50 metres off the beach. I was getting cold so I went in. Suddenly I saw a large fin and tail tip skimming the surface 20 metres from me and between my mum and the beach. As calmly as I could I called out, “Mum, you had better come in. There’s a shark

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Tricky Situations – Part One

The first tricky and somewhat sticky situation in my life, so I was told, was having a big head at birth. Apparently, my poor mother, who had me in a Catholic hospital run by nuns,

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